Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.

-Albert Einstein

Tuesday 21 June 2011


People always wonder if they are using their brains to the fullest extent possible and that only a meagre percent of it is used. It's clearly not what they think it is.

This is one interesting read!

 Check this link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/10%25_of_brain_myth

I wonder why???

Why do we have 10 fingers in total? Why do things appear the way they appear? Why is it that the Sun rises in the east? Why has English become the global language?

Well..so many many questions pop up!!! Though humans claim to have understood the phenomenon of Big Bang and dark matter, there is so much that is left unanswered. Have you ever wondered what would have been the means of communication if not English. Sign language as ancients probably used? May be...but there are a lot of cons...one of them being - I couldn't have been blogging now. It would have been a totally different experience then. Weird to think of things as they are if you go into the depths in search of those simple things you come across in daily life.

The reason behind this is that we have accepted things the way they are. We are reluctant to change. We have been informed about certain things in childhood and kids aren't encouraged to be inquisitive. The main reason is that there are several questions in the minds of individuals and no one really knows why such and such a thing is in such and such a manner.

In this changing world, people hardly have the time to think of these minor issues. I have seen people who ask ' Does it really matter?'. Well...It depends on your view.

Science hasn't achieved its peak in certain small things we accept as a part of life. (Note : I'm not being harsh on any scientist here! I'm thoroughly grateful for all that humans have achieved. Right from the marvels of the expanding universe to the incredibly small quarks and anti quarks. I am not against science, in fact I'm an avid Science and Technology fan). But the harsh reality is that we are yet to discover so much more that is existent in this universe. There is so much that is still beyond the scope of human understanding. A revolution in scientific thinking in the near future will clarify these doubts plaguing the human mind.

Only Time Will Tell :)

Saturday 4 June 2011


Results..results..tension in the air!!!
Really??? I doubt...There is that tinge of excitement about results but there is nothing more that you can do. Entrance tests which determine one's future can be given much more importance but these semester end exams really doesn't make a big difference. You can celebrate that you did well or crib about it saying I should have worked hard earlier.

Continuous evaluation throughout the year eases the pressure, no doubt, towards the end of the academic year but demands consistent performance. This has gradually led to betterment of the quality of education in this country.

For instance, the CBSE board giving students an option regarding board exams is a good move. This reduces the burden of students taking the exams. But, this hasn't helped the students fraternity to a great extent as figures show that there are a good number of students who do take up the exams.

Coming to the point of entrance exams. Students of 12th standard face a lot of parental pressure and are in a dilemma as to which one to opt for.  A student's performance on that single day of the entrance test determines his future ambitions and aspirations. There are several instances when the brainiest of the students aren't able to give their best performance due to some reason. This ruins the individual's career. There has to be other alternatives in such cases. The answer may be have several entrance tests instead of one but does it really help?

The latest is that corruption is making its way in education big time! AIEEE paper leak? Can something get worse than that? It's supposed to be an All India Entrance test to get into the prestigious NITs. This just shows the pathetic state of our country. Where have all the values gone?

Regarding results, at the end of the day what matters is that you should feel satisfied that you have learnt something new and have given your best shot in the exams. Have a positive attitude in life and work harder the next time.

Good Luck!!!

Friday 3 June 2011

Hello Virtual World!!!

I remember the excitement whenever a postcard or a letter addressed to me or anyone in my family used to arrive. The feeling is heavenly when it is from someone you personally know. Fighting with siblings to open it first, it was a pleasure.

Nostalgic are those beautiful days. Today, I wonder if people even remember how a letter looks like. In the near future, children will learn about the art of letter writing probably in their history classes. Such is the influence of electronic media in our lives today.

Today the world of social networking rules the world. I'm not against these networking sites at all. In fact, I'm a part of this phenomenon. Yeah, I said phenomenon because it's revolutionized our thought process, social life and our language to a great extent. It's "coz" now instead of because, "ttyl" instead of talk to you later...I'm sure half of you out there feel its natural!

May be...What was considered outrageous might be a need in the coming days. What you consider weird might be natural in the near future. It has led to a new definition of words. An array of new meanings. Slang is making it's way into the Oxford dictionaries. Words such as OMG, LOL, G2G, TTYL, BFF have been made an official part of the English lexicon. Just imagine, if rules are bent in games like Scrabble, then we could use acronyms like TTYL!!! Bizarre!!!

Everything is changing in this world. Individuals are consumed by networking giants like Facebook and Twitter. Comments, likes, tags, scraps (remember Orkut...Facebook nearly destroyed it), tweets have become an indispensable part of one's life. Traditional photos, slam books, handwritten letters are losing their sheen to their electronic counterparts. It's not just youngsters but individuals of all ages are shedding the old ways of communication. It's the age of digital communication. I can't help but be a part of it. On the contrary, I won't give up all the traditional old means too...Even today I look forward to a letter but the way I handle the excitement is different. If I would have been reluctant to change, I wouldn't have been blogging today!!!

I welcome change. Change is on the go. But, traditional letters and scrapbooks are still dear to my heart. I cherish those days but enjoy the technology bug that's ruling the world.